Friday, May 11, 2012

Lawlessness KGB

The KGB could break into our homes and offices at any time.
Another September 30th Council of Ministers quietly introduced in the domestic ...
The text of the document was discovered only yesterday on the official website of the National Center of Legal Information. Interestingly, none of the state-run media, usually neatly publishing news ...

After becoming acquainted with him it becomes clear why the authors of the bill did not want it widely available to the media reports on his blog chudentsov.

Here are some excerpts:.

On the injury or death of persons due to the use of physical force, special means, military and special equipment, application ( use) of weapons by a public safety shall be immediately notified the prosecutor.




an assault on employees of state security or other persons;.

release of the hostages;.

an assault on the building, premises, facilities and ( or) transport vehicles, regardless of whether they belong either to the liberation of the occupied sites;.

suppression of disobedience or resistance to the legitimate demands of public safety employees or other persons performing duties or civil duty to maintain public order, prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses;.