Thursday, April 26, 2012

The sun at its zenith

A bet on solar power will allow Ukraine to revive the production of high- silica products. The small village of Crimean Okhotnikov can now safely claim to be the most innovative, not only in Ukraine but also Europe. By the end of the year there will be to build a solar power plant, which will be one of the largest such plants in the world. In July of this year under the ... The total plant capacity should reach 80 MW. It will house nearly 160 acres of land and will consist of 360 thousand. ground-based modules.

solar opportunities.

Construction of the plant is important for Crimean region that, despite the great potential for development of alternative energy sources, is still a power-hungry. Until recently, up to 90 % of electricity supplied from the outside. The plant will produce 100 thousand. Megawatt hours of electricity per year. This is sufficient to provide an energy of about 20 thousand. households. And also reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Ohotnikovskaya power - until the first major project in the alternative energy sector in Ukraine. At the same time, the world's solar power industry is booming. According to forecasts of International Energy Agency, 2050 PV should provide 20-25 % of global electricity production. Among the countries - the leaders in the implementation of solar energy the first place for several years in Germany. It accounts for about 27 % of the global solar power market. Up to 13 % of global consumption provide the U.S..

Prior to 2011 in the Ukrainian energy balance of the share alternativki was negligible - less than 1 % - although formally opportunities for its development than in the same German. ... - Background to the development direction of alternative energy, especially solar, you are similar to Bulgarian, and the potential for much more ...

Ukraine recently turned his attention to this promising and innovative industry. To encourage development of renewable energy two years ago, Parliament passed a law on ... Now, manufacturers can expect to return on large-scale projects in the industry. Forms and methods to support the implementation of alternative energy set. In countries that have embarked on the development of this innovative industry, investors can expect a compensation for interest on loans. It also introduces regulations for mandatory implementation of alternative energy sources in housing.

Batteries for growth.

However, the states take care of not only the introduction of plants that produce ... To promote a so-called ... Prerequisite for obtaining a ... For Canada and Turkey, for example, the figure is 60%. In Ukraine, this rule also has. On January 1, 2012 the quota would be 15 %, from January 1, 2013. - 30 %, and from January 1, 2014 - 50%. Thus, as expected by experts, legislative requirements will form the basis for the development of its own high-tech engineering and other branches of industry.

Ukraine in this direction at all may be one of the world's top players. About 90% of all produced in the world of solar cells made ​​from silicon. Therefore, the prospects of solar energy associated with the development of new low-cost technologies for producing polycrystalline silicon for photovoltaic reflectors. Production of large quantities of electronic polysilicon and solar grade in the world until recently provided only a dozen companies from six countries: USA, Japan, Norway, Germany, Italy and China. The Celestial Empire in the last three years, dramatically increase their production capacity.

In Soviet times, Ukraine was one of the world's leading silicon industry, and provide ... He was released Zaporozhye semiconductor plant ( in the past - in the Zaporozhye Titanium-Magnesium Works ) and the Donetsk Chemical- Metallurgical Plant (now - Chemical Metallurgical plant of Mariupol metallurgical combine them. Illich ).

In the early 1991 Zaporizhia semiconductors provide a little more than 2% of global consumption. But in the second half of the 90 plant is actually mired in debt and has come to a complete abandonment. The importance of restoring the silicon industry is constantly told, from the beginning of the two thousandth - even have made a priority in the various laws.

Bet on the market.

In October of 2008 with the filing was approved by the Ministry of Industrial Policy Concept of the State target scientific and technical program ... In it, in particular, the projected increase in the deficit of this material on the world market over the next 10-15 years. And in 2009, was adopted by the program itself. The main problem that she had to decide was the virtual absence in Ukraine production of pure silicon. Focus on the development of the state made ​​of silicon, realizing also the importance of developing innovative industries.

In past years, Ukraine's GDP is strongly dependent on global demand for metal producers. The development of new export-oriented industries - such as titanium and silicon production, shipbuilding, aircraft construction - make Ukraine less vulnerable to fluctuations in world prices.

The situation changed after the launch of the updated line in the Zaporozhye plant of semiconductors. Today the company is in the process of commissioning. In the project of modernization of the Austrian company ... Investment project pretends to be one of the largest in the last decade - it is assumed that the investment will exceed it? 1 billion. ... - This is the feedstock for the production of solar cells, mono-and multisilicon with further obtaining the plates and the production of solar cells ...

So in the near future Ukraine can become a full player in the global solar market. In addition, the project will make the country a great leap forward in terms of innovation. After a huge potential for years of independence, Ukraine has not actually used. Back in 1992, Ukraine ranked ninth in the world in terms of innovation. Now - 90.

Power of Money | Victoria Smirnova | August 2011, (№ 317).

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