Wednesday, April 25, 2012

25 supporters of Ahmadinejad arrested for connection with the jinn

The conflict between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khamenei has peaked.
On charges of having links with the jinn associates were arrested the next president, himself a secular leader faces impeachment, says newspaper. py.

Iranian opposition exiles and the media on Friday reported the resignation of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been almost a month, a leading heavy hardware war with the spiritual leader ( Rahbar ), the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Recent rumors have coincided with news of the persecution of the new environment in the leadership of Ahmadinejad.

On the eve been arrested at least 25 the staff of the Iranian president, including former Chief of Staff Esfandiar Rahim Mashaye, the retired a few days earlier. All of them accused of witchcraft.

Later, the newspaper Etedaal recovered, adding that the number of those arrested were ... British The Guardian, citing Iranian news site Ayandeh, says that officials have been accused of having links with the jinn, and one of them, Abbas Ghafari, called ... The chief prosecutor of Tehran Abbas Jafari Dolatbadi confirmed that Ghafari accused of witchcraft. Under Sharia law the act is punishable by decapitation.

We also learned about the arrest of a close Abbas Rahim Mashaye Amirifara, head of the presidential administration, management of Cultural Affairs. He was charged with another offense - issue permits for the removal of the film ... Conservative theologians have declared the film blasphemous, because no one can predict the actions of Allah. Amrifar appear before the Special Tribunal for Clergy.

Ahmadinejad staggered positions after losing in a serious game hardware, the latest round of which began April 17. Then the president asked to resign minister of information (the so- called head of Iran's secret service ), Heidar Moslehi.

Ayatollah Khamenei's decree of April 27 Moslehi was returned to the post, and through the public humiliation of the president - Rahbar published the letter addressed to Moslehi, not Ahmadinejad, in which he said the return of the portfolio head of Intelligence. In response, the President gave a uniform boycott of their duties, twice appeared at the meeting of the government and refusing to go to the holy Shiite city of Qom. The strike lasted Ahmadinejad just over a week.

Conservative clerics previously supported the ... More than 300 public figures, scholars and members of parliament signed a petition calling for Ahmadinejad does not contradict Rahbar, at the same time hinting at the possibility of impeachment.

Last Saturday, the President received the delegation, persuaded him not to contradict the will of a Rahbar. The conflict between Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khamenei seems to be settled was last Sunday, when the secular head of state came after a 11-day absence from the meeting of the government. But the split is preserved. Ahmadinejad has not commented on the fate of Moslehi, who was absent at the government session.

Pro-government on-line edition of the Alef, which controls close to the conservative clerics MP Ahmad Tavakkoli on Monday again accused the president's entourage in the ...

On Wednesday, Ahmadinejad again, skimp on their duties, not appearing for the first time in many years, at an evening organized by Rahbar in commemoration of the martyrdom of the Prophet Mohammed 's daughter Zahra.

Arrest Mashaye Rahim as the main troublemaker can neutralize the conflict. ... Many of the opposition, or fall into disgrace leaders spent years under house arrest. ...

According to Iranian news agency Mehr, in the Majlis began preparations for the impeachment of President.

In support of this step has already collected 90 signatures of deputies. Once the petition to sign at least a quarter of the 290-seat parliament, it will be given to the speaker, Ali Larijani. According to Pavlov, impeachment or some public battles can be avoided, ... But if the irreconcilable positions, the impeachment is quite likely, says expert.

... Malashenko crisis relates not so much by external circumstances, many of which had already begun the fight for the presidency and post- Rahbar, which under some circumstances can take Khamenei and not for life. ...
