Tuesday, March 27, 2012

School News School Bablorubov

Lecture 006: Getting Started - Making Content Website.

This is the special lecture, which will explain how to fill the site based on content avtobloga. However, the general principles of content placement are the same for all engines and differ only in nuances admin. We therefore focus on issues such as site content.

Lecture 007: Getting Started - Blog for yourself.

Blog for Moneymaker - an essential attribute of its activities. On the one hand it helps to organize thoughts, on the other creates a circle of friends, which is then converted to assistants, colleagues, clients and friends.

Lecture 008: Getting Started - Blog on WP - the first site with a database.

In order to understand the sites based on a database, it is best to start with WordPress (WP or EP in the text below). It is simple to install and provides enough understanding to work with databases on your hosting.

Lecture 009: Getting Started - All you need to know about domains.

Domain - is the name that users type in your browser to get to your site. Here we will talk about how these domains are registered as not to lose their stupidity and how to pay for them as little as possible.

Lecture 010: Getting Started - Statistics of your site.

Statistics - this is your all in determining how popular your site and how high its usability. Therefore, the more you know about your site and behavior of users on it, the better.

All lectures step, provided with homework and tape comments, where we examine what students do not understand.

Next week will be five lectures. This includes lectures from the series ' basic ' - part of the audience wanted to get the special expertise.

You can still go to school. To do this,. pay the tuition. and send an invite to my email. masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. - In return you will receive instructions and access to schooling, and by hosting lectures.

If you do not understand, then just send me an email to the address and I will send you detailed instructions on how to enroll in school.

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