Friday, March 30, 2012

Sadiq is closed for repairs

Head of the reports on the repairs, which will last six weeks. Of which children will take a month.

' Satisfied ' parents listened to that of their children only selectively distribute to other garden.

Today was a meeting. Do not miss the opportunity to click. The people, by the way, almost no Buzilov. And that buzz - there is no choice. Actually, everyone began to think where to place my child for a month and a half. Or go cap in hand to the head. Who will come with a 50% chance to get a place in another garden for the period of repair. Who has not come or do not receive - will take a vacation or a strain of grandmothers. We exert a certain. So my wife will soon go to a meeting.

I went to kindergarten, when I was little. But somehow episodically. First, in kindergarten number 10, far from home - his mother worked as a nurse there. Feature of the garden was able to leave their children at night. I also remember that I loved to go to the other half prisadikovoy territory - where other groups walked. It was strictly forbidden. But I did not care. Although, of course, there were all the same. The same porch and metal dug zakoryuliny. Another memory - it is early in the morning, we run into the garden, and the silvery frost on the grass. How nice, though cold and pinching his cheeks.

In another garden (number 2) I walked around the house. I remember about him a little. Only fights in the quiet hour of pillows and fight with the boys on the mats in the game. I think I went there for long.

With the gardens I've encountered again when it's time to hold back children. Our kids both went before it is laid. Both stood in the queue is not. We just had a 'help'. What went first aid - I do not know, I just gave money, others involved in his wife. The money for the second child in three families were chipped paid some furniture in one of the groups. I remember that one 's father is one of the future poseschaltsev small garden he made ​​a full renovation in one of the groups.

At one time I thought that the garden as a business - it's awful book. But then thought, and tears. Profitable, but only if you pay ten to fifteen times more expensive. And that money is only enough to pay wages and child nutrition. So the garden - not a damn good business, but still a very dangerous. This year there were a lot of noise because of one case - a child in one of the city's gardens swallowed a button, it got stuck in the throat. And while the frightened teachers tried to figure out what to do, the child died. Of course, it could happen at home. How many children are killed, left at home alone - no one believes it is. But when you leave the child in the care of someone, you expect to see her child alive, when you come to pick up. But here.

In the city of the 2000 seats each year wishing to 4000. T. e. At least half of those who stand in the queue, places will not receive. Not because these places will sell, but they simply do not. Gardens are not built. Although this year's built like a garden. With a pool. There was a lot of noise. The mayor cut the ribbon. But this is only 100-200 children. The rest have no choice - or the 'help ', or be patient and look for other outlets. The fact that all the seats are sold - also a myth. Usually just a paysite are in excess of. In the supervisory bodies at a blind eye. Sadiki must do to survive. State subsidies only enough for food, the contents of the current fund and a tiny salary.

In the gardens work mainly those with all the problems in life are solved, and the salary is the most important role. Not once have seen teachers, departing from the garden at the brand new foreign cars. Or is it those who are gaining experience - yesterday's student. Or who is thrown to the side of life - pereselenki. The last two categories, the most unpleasant. I was young at one time vospitalnitsa, which almost did not know how to speak in Russian. Prior to that, students were. Knowledge of child psychology came out nervously smoking when they began to work.

The town has a couple of private gardens. But they are a little on the shoulder. Yes, and there turn and almost impossible to get. There is an alternative in the form of nannies. Had heard and seen nurses employed almost the whole day. Although it is unlikely an alternative kindergarten.

I can not understand the evil or good gardens. And who.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bluetooth technology has helped amputees to go

news_13515_1_MDCorporal Joshua Bleyll (Joshua Bleill) lost both legs in Iraq, when an army under his SUV bomb. The fact that today he was able to move independently, Joshua obliged technology, Bluetooth, commonly used to connect mobile phones with hands free headsets. 30- year veteran - one of two disabled veterans who received high-tech Bluetooth- prosthesis. Integrated circuits, located in each leg, coordinate the work of engines knees and ankles. Module Bluetooth, installed in each limb continuously transmits a signal of its actual state on the other foot for maximum clock movements and their smoothness.

Built-in engines also reduce the load on the muscles, which allows disabled people to significantly increase the duration of walking alone, and the later phase of the fatigue. A new generation of motorized prosthesis was originally designed for people who have lost only one limb, but the idea of ​​integrating wireless technology in an interesting perspective was able to expand their use.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Churches in Kaliningrad Oblast

This is a Catholic parish. Built recently, two years ago in the yard lay a heap of debris.

New Apostolic Church. Our tolerant area such as easy and comfortable with the sectarians. So, in the city can be found even Mormon temple. A novoapostoltsy spend fun preaching to the collection of money and feed the homeless and homeless. The church was built by one of the first (new) in.

The Orthodox church. They are, of course, the most. The largest Orthodox church stands on the facade of City Hall Square. And it was built on donations. For a long time built. But now it's nice and cozy little church with a detached home for priests, a playground and a piece of govnorucheyka flowing past the. Out of Construction recently, a month ago the workers poured concrete for the arch of the gate fence.

In contrast the Orthodox Armenian Church is of red brick. Blunted and photographed. The same year and a half ago, built a.

Most interestingly, all these churches are on the patch size in square kilometers and, when viewed from the top, stretched in a line.

Temples from the top down: Armenian, Orthodox, novoapostolstky, Catholic.

Mystery sort.

School News School Bablorubov

Lecture 006: Getting Started - Making Content Website.

This is the special lecture, which will explain how to fill the site based on content avtobloga. However, the general principles of content placement are the same for all engines and differ only in nuances admin. We therefore focus on issues such as site content.

Lecture 007: Getting Started - Blog for yourself.

Blog for Moneymaker - an essential attribute of its activities. On the one hand it helps to organize thoughts, on the other creates a circle of friends, which is then converted to assistants, colleagues, clients and friends.

Lecture 008: Getting Started - Blog on WP - the first site with a database.

In order to understand the sites based on a database, it is best to start with WordPress (WP or EP in the text below). It is simple to install and provides enough understanding to work with databases on your hosting.

Lecture 009: Getting Started - All you need to know about domains.

Domain - is the name that users type in your browser to get to your site. Here we will talk about how these domains are registered as not to lose their stupidity and how to pay for them as little as possible.

Lecture 010: Getting Started - Statistics of your site.

Statistics - this is your all in determining how popular your site and how high its usability. Therefore, the more you know about your site and behavior of users on it, the better.

All lectures step, provided with homework and tape comments, where we examine what students do not understand.

Next week will be five lectures. This includes lectures from the series ' basic ' - part of the audience wanted to get the special expertise.

You can still go to school. To do this,. pay the tuition. and send an invite to my email. masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. - In return you will receive instructions and access to schooling, and by hosting lectures.

If you do not understand, then just send me an email to the address and I will send you detailed instructions on how to enroll in school.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Vibronaushniki EX2 - the better to hear

ex2-thumb-400x267The Korean company has released a new Naon vibrating headphones EX2. One of the latest technological trends related to the headphones, it is passed through them, not only sound, but the vibration is transmitted to the eardrum. This scheme eliminates the need to sound the ...

For example, EX2 provides the usual sounds of the outer ear and the inner - vibration. By the way, the degree of vibration can be controlled independently. Cost EX2 - $ 45, but the release is expected in Japan.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Soup bygone era in magazine advertising

Let's talk about the things that surround us.

The rapid development of technological progress has a downside. What would. any new. become familiar and close to the owner takes time. Must live with the new thing in the same house, to find the best place for her.


Thursday, March 22, 2012


And we have here is a example program on the local channel. It's called ' same age ', the slogan ' And we have always a good pogodka '. Dancing girl from a local strip club, such as barter advertising.

Not only did the girls, and so not very much, for some reason the screen has to compress the height from which the figures of the dancers simply did blur. It's funny that he thinks the channel is a separate chip and advertises this program on a city poster with girl lying in underwear.

He took off for a long time, now found in the phone.

Guys! .

Russia covers a huge Wi-Fi- network

Wi-Fi- roaming will resemble automatic roaming in the networks of GSM: to log into the guest network, the user can use the username and password obtained from the ' home ' operator. This can be done will be in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi - a total of 17 cities that are covered by Wi-Fi- network project participants.

As reported in the CNews ' Comstar ' settlement between operators for roaming will be on the ' time', t. e. based on how many minutes ' guest ' user worked on the network. This time is multiplied by the rate specified in the roaming agreement, ' home ' operator of the subscriber lists the required amount of MTT. MTT minus his commission will transfer its ' guest ' operator.

' Comstar ' and ' Tango Telecom ' as part of implementing a bilateral roaming, that is, subscribers can use these companies obtained your operator credentials, and the ' home ' network and the networks of partner companies. Aggregator of Wi-Fi- network serves the MTT. The company provides interworking traffic and collecting metering data for inter-operator settlements and coordinating interaction between the parties.

' Peterstar ' in this network will provide a one-way roaming: subscribers can connect to the networks ' Comstar ', ' Tango Telecom ' and ' Plenty of Telecom '. However, subscribers ' Comstar ', ' Tango ' and ' space ' can not log into the network ' Peterstar '. ' This is due to economic reasons. Perhaps in the future will be a bilateral roaming '- told CNews companies ' Peterstar '.

The operator ' Plenty of Telecom ' implements the inverse pattern of unilateral roaming - subscribers partners can use their credentials in her hot spots, and subscribers ' space ' in other people's networks - there is no. Igor Gavrilov told CNews, that such a scheme roaming due to the fact that the company entered into an agreement MTT was initially focused on the ' incoming ' roaming subscribers to cellular companies. ' As for' incoming ' roaming all was ready, we decided to leave such a scheme and estimate the demand for roaming services this. In the future, can be implemented and ' outgoing ' roaming for our subscribers ', - said Mr. Gavrilov.

You may recall that WLAN- roaming between ' Plenty of Telecom ' and ' Peterstar ' was opened in February 2004. However, according to a ' Plenty of telecom ' Hope Koznevoy, after a while it was closed due to low demand for this service at the time. 'Now an increasing number of users of Wi-Fi and a number of hot spots, so that roaming has become more urgent ...

Another initiative Wi-Fi- roaming was a ' Peterstar ' autumn 2003. Then the operator announced its entry into the International Alliance of operators Wi-Fi and was going to provide an international Wi-Fi- roaming. In the future, the development of this project, nothing was reported. The Director-General of the analytical agency ' Rustelecom ' Bryukvin Jury notes that the ' previous projects WLAN- roaming in the market did not produce furore.

Dmitry Novikov, CEO of ' Nyenskans -Home ', which is developing its own network in St. Petersburg, free Wi-Fi hot spots, said that any need for a login and password for access to Wi-Fi is seriously complicates the lives of users. ' That's why when we developed the idea of ​​its own network of hotspots, the principal point was the complete absence of the registration procedure ... In his view, the idea of ​​WLAN- roaming will help popularize Wi-Fi. ' In the modern development of communication Wi-Fi still not popular among the population. And, perhaps, such a system access will make it more popular ...

In ' Comstar ' note that currently prevails in the hotels and are actively growing toll scheme to access Wi-Fi, and in restaurants - free. ' As the reduction of tariffs for access to the Internet, the distinction between paid and free will blur '. 29/11/2007.

ComNews. ru.

Widget recent article in the ticker

Widget. ' Recent Articles ' - an indispensable attribute of each blog. by which. seeks to. attract the attention of visitors. all materials and turn them into regular readers.

As a rule,. this widget. establish a prominent position in the.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

KIA Rio has become Russia's best-selling

Russian Kia dealers in October, realized 14,771 cars Kia - by 53.9 % over the previous year. As noted in the Kia Motors Rus, a new all-time record for Kia on the number of cars sold per month.
The new sedan Kia Rio, sales of which began on 1 October, in the first month of sales was the best-selling brand in the Russian market with the index 5589 cars sold. For innovation to be Kia cee'd, which was implemented in 2683 in the number of units ( 7.4%). Closes the ...
As previously reported by the agency ... And next year, the St. Petersburg factory Hyundai will begin production of a new Rio and in the back ...


Today 's own back. rereading '. Creative sEO. '.

Lagged behind the third place in the constructor for the paysites 50vmz

Zayavochku write to masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. Invite to club attached.

UPD. all. Places are no more. Wait for the commercial release of uzho.

Normal post will be later in the evening. Fans hockey team my sincere condolences. just found out.

If anyone has a good friend of furniture builder throw in the mail or ICQ number telefonchik. We need some cabinets for the home and table. The owner took my folder and now lie on the floor.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


news_14297_1_MDThe Korean company WIBRAIN recently announced release of its new UMPC - B1L. According to official information, it will be intended for sale only in Korea but did not exclude the possibility of its spread around the world, as it has great potential. Driven innovation will be a free operating system Linux Ubuntu, which immediately attract people who do not particularly like Microsoft products. On the technical characteristics of the device is little known. UMPC will run on the CPU, most likely from the company Intel with a clock frequency of 1 GHz, its touch-screen display with a diagonal of 4.8 inches will support resolution of 1024x600 pixels, and the amount of RAM that is rumored to be 1 GB.

It is known that this UMPC will be four trim levels, which differ in processing power and hard drive capacity. In order not to lose a large number of potential buyers, WIBRAIN stated that B1L will be available with Windows XP. The appearance of this mobile PC is scheduled for next month. Retail price for it will be from 400 to 550 U.S. dollars.
Price: $ 400 - $ 550.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Business consolidation of Kyocera and Sanyo

news_13453_1Business consolidation of Kyocera and Sanyo Electric in the production of mobile phones aimed at increasing the profitability of the brand Qisda. January 21 representatives of the company Kyocera announced the acquisition of a $ 375-468 million units for the production of Sanyo mobile phones. The merger will allow Kyocera to climb in the ranking of manufacturers of mobile phones from the ninth position in the seventh. The meaning of these permutations is to capture operational as soon as possible a greater share of CDMA- segment of the market and the gradual strengthening of the global company's position in the future.

Since Qisda has OEM- manufacturer of mobile phones, specializing in low-end segment of the market, the management of Kyocera hatched plans for a union Kyocera-Sanyo, to strengthen their market position. However, the main competitor Qisda - Company Arima Communications, already the supplier of OEM- 2. 5G- for Sanyo phones in Europe, said that may change the terms of the transaction. In the next 2-3 years, the Japanese mobile phone manufacturers will seek to limit their business with Taiwanese OEM- manufacturers. Although this kind of consolidation, as the Kyocera-Sanyo and NEC-Panasonic, talking about a very good prospects of Taiwanese OEM- business.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The official announcement of the ' quad ' AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition

17570The company Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has officially announced the release of the new quad-core Phenom 9600 Black Edition clocked at 2.3 GHz, which can improve the performance of the Windows operating system by means of special software AMD OverDrive Software.

The novelty is based on the stepping B2, is marked HD960ZWCJ4BGD for OEM- set and HD960ZWCGDBOX for boxed version, equipped with 2 MB cache second level and 2 MB of cache in the third level, ' friendly ' with a 3600 MHz HyperTransport bus 3. 0, is characterized by a TDP of 95 watts, supports dual channel DDR2-1066 memory, and differs from the standard model of the Phenom 9600 ( 2.3 GHz ), a free factor, greatly simplifying overclocking.

It is expected that the sale of ' black modification ' will come in the coming days, with the official wholesale price for the chip set at $ 283, which fully corresponds to that of the normal version.

Finally, also note that shortly before the release of AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition, AMD has once again revised the prices of some of its processors to reduce their.

news. onru. ru.

HIS has released a Radeon HD 6570 IceQ cooling system